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50% OFF Airport Taxi

When booked through El Monte RV Japan 7 nights more

Price List

Departure Arrival Normal Price 50% off price
Haneda Airport El Monte RV Japan – Funabashi branch JPY 28,580~ JPY 14,290~
ALBI – Setagaya JPY 22,700~ JPY 11,350~
car-rental flow – Adachi branch
Narita Airport El Monte RV Japan – Funabashi branch JPY 30,000~ JPY 15,000~
ALBI – Setagaya JPY 14,700~ JPY 7,350~
car-rental flow – Adachi branch

Please make booking of RV through El Monte RV Japan first and request Airport Taxi.
After confirmation of RV,Airport Taxi will contact you.
Airport Taxi
Click here for airport taxi details